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Concrete Fence Posts & Pickets

Our concrete fence posts are made using special materials, methods and manufacturing processes to ensure consistent quality and strength.



With more than 30 years experience in concrete manufacturing, Concrete Fence Posts and Pickets is the new leader in rural fencing products. Another quality Australian product.

Our range of concrete fence posts are made using special materials, methods and manufacturing processes to ensure consistent quality and strength.

The  concrete posts consist of two pre-stressed reinforcing strands, 40MPA concrete and come with ready-made holes, suitable for barb wire, plain wire or stock mesh.

The strength of your strainer post and end assembly is crucial to a solid fence. Concrete Posts and Pickets strainer posts are built with 40 MPA concrete and high tensile carbon steel reinforcement. Pre-drilled holes mean attaching gates and brackets is easy. Our heavy duty concrete strainer posts are available in 7ft, 8ft and 9ft.

The job of your strainer system, or end assembly, is to keep your fencing wire tight. Strainer system assemblies are required at the end of each fence line, direction changes, gateways, the bottom of hills and the top of crests. Concrete Posts and Pickets offers three simple and affordable options for strainer system assemblies.

Concrete Posts and Pickets supplies a range of brackets and accessories to suit various applications. Talk to us about your fencing project and we will find the right hardware for your job.

Ask our friendly team about a quote for your next rural fencing project.


Concrete Fence Posts & Pickets